
Early Childhood Education

Promoting Unity and Understanding: The Islamic Imperative of Multicultural Education

The diverse makeup of modern societies poses important questions about how to raise faithful Muslim youth with balanced outlooks. Exposure to varied beliefs and worldviews can enrich children’s understanding, empathy and identity. However, parents also need to instill strong Islamic foundations. How can core Islamic values inform the educational upbringing of our youth?

Promoting Unity and Understanding: The Islamic Imperative of Multicultural Education Read More »

Early Childhood Education

Laying the Foundations: The Islamic Imperative of Early Childhood Education

As Muslim parents and caregivers, we carry the tremendous responsibility of providing our children with the best possible upbringing and education during their precious early years. What guidance does our faith offer on nurturing and teaching little ones? How can we help lay strong foundations that will reap benefits in this life and the next?

Laying the Foundations: The Islamic Imperative of Early Childhood Education Read More »

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